Saturday, August 23, 2014

Lesson 2

 Heavenly Father Has a Plan for Me

*Remember you were called as teachers not babysitters. Plan your lessons prayerfully so that the children will be able to feel the spirit through the chaos that nursery can be while they are in your class.

A Little Something For You:

This week's lesson gives us a chance to think about Heavenly Father's wonderful plan for us. His Plan of Happiness. To help get the spirit in your lesson planning here is a message from Elder L. Tom Perry October 2006 General Conference address The Plan of Salvation.

As always follow the nursery manual for you lesson planning, here are just a few additional resources that you can use in your class.

Lesson Helps and Ideas:

Have the children draw pictures of their family, their homes, or anything they love and emphasize that these are things that Heavenly Father gave to them.

Go on a walk outside or look out the window during free time and talk about all the beautiful things that Heavenly Father created for them.

While the children are coloring talk about each picture and relate it back to the lesson.

To reinforce last week's lesson and bring the two lessons together bring a mirror and let them look in it as they say "I am a Child of God."

*Sister Ipson won't be here the next two weeks so music will be up to you so just follow what she did last week with music that should work great!

Lesson Schedule 8/24-11/16

Here is an updated lesson schedule. We are working on getting a couple to rotate through the classes to give all you teachers a chance to attend the adult classes once a month. Until then let me know if you need a break for the week. And as always let me know if you are going to be gone so we can make sure your class is covered.

August 24- Lesson 2: Heavenly Father Has a Plan for Me

August 31- Lesson 3: I Can Pray to Heavenly Father

September 7- Lesson 4: Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Me

September 14- Stake Conference

September 21- Ogden Temple Dedication  

September 28- Lesson 5: Jesus Christ Showed Us How to Love Others Lesson

October 5- General Conference

October 12- Lesson 6: The Holy Ghost Helps Me

October 19- 7: Jesus Christ Created the World for Me

October 26- Lesson 8: Sunday Is a Day to Remember Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

November 2- Lesson 9: I Have a Body like Heavenly Father's

November 9- Lesson 10: I Will Take Care of My Body

November 16- Lesson 11: I Love My Family

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson 14

I Will Obey

A Little Something for You:

President Thomas S. Monson gave a talk in the April 2013 General Conference titled Obedience Brings Blessings teaching us that "A knowledge of truth and the answers to our greatest questions come to us as we are obedient to the commandments of God." Watch or read it at:

Lesson Ideas:

Study the lesson in you manual or find it here 

Remember the purpose of the lesson is that obedience leads to happiness. Emphasize that when we are obedient it makes us, our parents, and our Heavenly Father happy. We want to help them understand that obedience is doing the things that our parents and our Heavenly Father ask us to do. So give examples such as "When your mom asks you to pick up your toys you can be obedient by cleaning up the first time she asks."  You can also give examples of the things that Heavenly Father has asked us to do like doing nice things for others and sharing our toys.

Another way to show how we can obey is through role play. As you give the examples of things they might be asked to do you can all act out the things like you are doing them. Or if you want you could use puppets or dolls instead of role playing and show how the mom or dad might ask and have the child doll show how to obey.

Make sure that you are praising the children for listening and doing what you ask through out the day as this can reiterate what you are teaching. It's important to remember to give specific compliments so instead of saying "good job" say "thank you for listening" or "thank you for helping us clean up."

Transition Song

Here is a fun song that some of you may already know called Tiny Tim. I couldn't find a good version of it on YouTube so I made one but only because I love you!

Nursery Summer Schedule

Nursery Lesson Schedule

Summer is here and generally that means crazy schedules!  With these crazy schedules and people going out of town I thought it would be best to hold off on calling a new rotating couple for the nursery until the end of summer. So please call or text me at 801-494-3532 and let me know if you are going out of town and if you are able to get a substitute or not. Also if you just need a break to go to the adult classes one week that would be fine too just let me know so we can arrange for substitutes!  

May 4: 14- I Will Obey

May 11: 15- I Will Be Thankful

May 25: 17- I Will Share

June 1: 18- I Will Love Others

June 8: 19- I Can Be Happy

June 15: 20- I Will Be Reverent

July 6: 23- I Love the Scriptures

July 13: 24- I Will Follow the Prophet

July 20: 25- I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

July 27: 26- I Will Be Baptized and Confirmed

Aug 3: 27- The Sacrament Helps Me Think about Jesus Christ

Aug 10: 28- Heavenly Father Blesses Me through the Priesthood

Aug 17: 1- I Am a Child of God

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lesson 9

A Little Something for You:

In the October 2005 General Conference 
Susan W Tanner reminds us that we are made in 
Heavenly Father's image in her talk 

Lesson Related Movement Activity:

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
and eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Lesson Ideas:

The scripture story this week is the story of Joseph Smith's first vision, show them a picture of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and point out that Heavenly Father has a Head and say "Do you have a head?" Then go through different body parts helping them see that their bodies are like their Heavenly Father's body.

Additional Ideas:

Bring a mirror so that they can see their faces as you help them remember that they are a Child of God.

Draw a circle for them on a paper and let them draw their face.

Print out and make the booklets found at This Website.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lesson 8

A Little Something For You:

President Gordon B. Hinckley reminds us of the importance of keeping theSabbath Day holy in this short video
Keeping the Sabbath.

In the October 2000 General Conference H. Aldridge Gillespie Spoke on this topic in his talk-

Lesson Related Movement Activity:

Hold hands while walking around the room singing the following-
Going to Church is Fun to do.
Fun to do, Fun to do!
Going to Church is Fun to do.
To do, to do, to do!

Repeat it a few times and encourage the children to sing it with you.

Lesson Main Idea:

Sunday is a day to remember and think about Heavenly Father and Jesus.

When we come to church we remember and think about Heavenly Father and Jesus.
After church is a time to spend with family and to remember and think about Heavenly Father and Jesus in our homes.

Lesson Helps:

Here is a good resource for optional activities you can do with your class to enhance the lesson.

Transition Idea:

It's important to have a way to transition from one activity to another especially when you are starting a lesson. One easy way to transition into your lesson it to play "If you're ready."

You'll give simple directions such as "If you're ready to learn touch your nose." "If you're ready to learn wiggle your fingers." I always like to end with "If you're ready to learn fold your arms." This can be a good opportunity to get some wiggles out and get the children sitting and ready for the lesson.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lesson 7

Jesus Christ Created the World for Me

A Little Something For You: 
In October the Visiting Teaching Message was "The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Creator" It has some beautiful quotes and can enrich this lesson for you. 

Lesson Song: 
My Heavenly Father Loves Me
The following links are visual aids for the song. The first is a beautifully illustrated flipchart, the only downside is it is 13 pages. The second link is the same illustrations just condensed so not as much printing is involved, it also has the song with it so you could even bring your computer and play the song from there while looking at the pictures and not do any printing at all!

Lesson Focus: 
Make sure to emphasize that the reason Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created all of these things for us is because they love us. Help the children feel that love!

Additional Ideas:
If it is a nice day outside go for a walk outside and talk about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created the trees and the grass and the sunshine... Ask the children what they see and emphasize that Heavenly Father created that for them because He loves them so much.

Here is another movement activity in case the kids are wiggly!

I Wiggle
I wiggle my fingers, I wiggle my toes, 
I wiggle my ears, I wiggle my nose
I wiggle my shoulders, I wiggle my chin, 

I stretch out my arms, and pull them back in
I wiggle my elbows, I wiggle my knees, 

I hop like a bunny, I smile and say "CHEESE"
Now no more wiggles are left in me, 

so I will be still, as still as can be